25 before 25 final
So a while back, I posted about my list of 25 goals/dreams/plans to be accomplished before I turn 25. I meant to have the list done by my 24th birthday, but I couldn't think of the last ones! It took me some time, because I want to take this list very seriously and be realistic, yet also push myself to do wondrous things as well. I said it before, but even a whole year becomes a small time frame when you are setting lofty goals. With most of these, I will have to do two a month consistently to have enough time!
Before I turn 25, I will:
Learn to sew
Get fit
Make a baby
Go to the wizarding world of Harry potter
Sing for real in front of Seth (done)
Not cut my hair
Find a set of horns
Memorize 25 constellations
Read the bible
Grow a garden
Become a yogi
Become debt free
Bear my testimony in church
Have a missionary experience
Do a session in each Utah temple
Make a successful lava cake
Climb a tree
Climb maple mountain
Go without fast food for six months
Go without soda for six months
Master the Ricoh
Stop biting my cheek
Have a semester of perfect attendance
Swim in the great salt lake (done)
I should like to have a photo of each experience, so I will have to swim and sing again.
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