Still summer.
I feel pretty lousy about my unaccounted for switch from loving summer to not. I don't honestly know what happened. Has it gotten hotter than it was in previous summers? Perhaps my lack of transportation has something to do with it.
All I know is I am bored and sweaty. I have a whole list of things I would love to do but never actually accomplish. (museums, walks, camping, etc.) and it's because I can't handle the heat and I don't plan well enough to have the car and well, a plan. I am tired of spending most of my time inside!
So I wish away summer. I wish for cooler months, and more structure so that in my busy-ness I find a more satisfying downtime. Because if all your time is downtime like mine is now, you start to get complacent with it.
These photos convey a happier summer than is real, I'm afraid.
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