
we're okay

my gin has been feeling a lot better. in fact, that first night after she had cried and scared us half to death, she began jumping off the bed and trying to play with her toys! (we're pretty sure it's her pain pill) so we've had to now try to keep her from playing too hard so she doesn't open up her incision. crazy dog. we're just glad to not hear those awful cries and worry about moving her at all. yesterday was her last pain pill so we'll see how it goes after that wears off tonight.

in other news... it's my birthday week! and probably the best one i've had so far in my 23 years. let me illustrate:

today- hanging out with my sisters and the pups at my family's house, watching say yes to the dress and just relaxing. reading some harry of course. going out for a treat tonight when husband gets off work.

wednesday- class from 9-1pm (wear my new hp shirt!) then relax at home for a bit. make dinner, pack for our weekend trip. when husband gets home, go out and get treats and snacks for our moviethon, pack a bag for that. go to bed super early!

thursday- wake up at 4am, be to ihop at 4:15. eat a TON of amazing breakfast, leave at 5 and head to AF. at 5:30, arrive at theater and be ready for sorcerers stone to start at 6! enjoy the day! eat lots of sweeties, enjoy each movie...all leading up to the 12:15 showing of DH part 2. get home at 3 something after roughly 22 hours of harry. probably have a massive breakdown. like the time i cried all the way home from cedar city after meeting the backstreet boys.

friday- sleep for a long long long time. maybe until noon. then wake up and head to park city! spend the weekend relaxing, swimming, hiking, playing at the resort, shopping, maybe getting a massage.. going to dinner at ruth's chris for my bday.

saturday- happy 23 to me! :) that feels a lot older than 22.


Hoggey Bears July 13, 2011 at 8:06 AM  

Sounds like a dream. You two are having way too much fun this summer.

love after love

The time will come when, with elation,
you will greet yourself arriving
at your own door, in your own mirror,
and each will smile at the other's welcome,
and say
sit here. Eat.
You will love again the stranger
who was your self.
Give wine. Give bread.
Give back your heart
to itself, to the stranger who has loved you all your life...

Take down the love
letters from the bookshelf,
the photographs,
the desperate notes, peel your own image from the mirror.
Feast on your life.

~Derek Walcott

bring it on back

and i am telling you..

i'm karlee. i have a husband and a daughter. (well ok, she's a puppy.) this is the world through my eyes.

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